Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Goals

2010 came and went quicker than I could have imagined, but I made surprising progress on my goals. I began 2010 with a total of 12 goals to work towards. They ranged from riding my bike 500 miles, cooking 60 new recipes, exercising, and watching every Star Trek movie. Some of the goals quickly became unmanageable because of all of my health issues that arose over the year, but I continued diligently working through the year on the others.

In the end, I was able to complete 7 of my 12 goals. I am quite proud of how I did. Although I could have done better, I will not let that overshadow what I was able to complete. My completed goals are as follows: exercise 130 hours, cook 60 new recipes, bake 30 new recipes, blog 30 times, read 5 books, reformat my laptop and watch all of the Star Trek movies.

Since I enjoyed working towards a set list of goals last year, I have made a new set of goals for 2011. Nearly all of the goals are the same, but have been modified based on how I did on the goal the previous year. This means that if I could easily complete the goal, I simply expanded it and made it more difficult, and for goals that I could not complete, I simplified them to allow for the possibility of completion this year.

Here's to hoping that 2011 is even more enjoyable than 2010, and that I can make even more progress on my goals. Happy New Years to all! :-)

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