Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet my Smartwriter

After quitting the bakery I had aspirations to get my Master's degree but after thinking about it I realized I don't really want a Master's degree nor do I want to pay for many years of graduate school. I decided I would take a fun class at the community college: Court Reporting.

Needless to say I started the program on August 30 and fell in love instantly. Everything about it is appealing to me especially the fact that it is a self pace program meaning I can go at my own pace.

After coming home from school that first day I quickly went online and purchased my own stenotype machine.

So, please meet my Stenograph Smartwriter :-)

My beautiful smartwriter hooked up to my new netbook computer :-)

It is a refurbished machine and it is actually from 1990, but the technology has not changed since then except you can get fancy machines with screens on them now. This is my baby and I love it immensely. It has brought me such joy and is leading me down yet another road in life.

Here's to hoping that we all may find what makes us happy, no matter how many detours we must take to get there :-)

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